Bible Study Post

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Intimacy with God
1Jhn 1: 1-8 Genesis 16:1-16; Genesis 17:1-8
What does working in darkness means from our 1st telecast broadcast this year? Failure to understand this we cannot understand what working with God, fellowshipping and maintaining an intimacy with God means.
Invariably, this is going to be our major focus in our studying this year. If anyone fails to move in this realm this year, it is going to be very rough with such individual.
Intimacy with God not only helps guard against being deceived by false doctrine or fall into the deceptions of the devil etc. but also protects us from intimidation by arrows of the enemies who might attack our faith. Therefore, coming to the understanding of what we believe and why. Doing so will …
1. Prevent us from being misled.
2. Protect us from fear and intimidation.
3. Prepare us to answer questions from those honestly seeking truth.
4. Enable us to be persuasive in presenting what we believe.
5. Deepen our personal relationship with God.
6. It will make it easier for us to overcome temptations.
7. etc.
Intimacy with God (not just the senior Pastor, the church or church doctrine), doesn’t just happen. It requires personal new
1) Detachment from past worldly interest and affiliation 2 Cor 6:14-18
2) Direction in to intimate new covenant with our God. 2Chro. 15:12-15.
3) Discipline, Proverbs 12:1 1 Timothy 4:7
4) Dedication, Rom 12:1-2
5) Declaration Rom. 8 35-39
6) Development. Isaiah 58:12, vs 9,
7) Decision : 1Kg 15:11-12
8) Determination 1Cor. 9: 24-27 and a significant investment of time and effort all these will lead and make us to have these GOD desire
9) DESTINY John 14:3- 4, for us this year which to be and remain IN FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM not in this word alone but with Him forever in His kingdom!
10) As we seek closeness with Him, we must learn

Resolve your area of Conflict with GOD. 2Cor. 5:18-20 Deut. 4:29, Jeremiah 8:5. In human disputes, there is usually error on both sides. But if we find ourselves in conflict with God, then we know we are in the wrong—He is always right. When Abraham fathered a child by Hagar, there was great strife in his home. God kept His promise to make Abraham a father of many nations but did not lift the multi-generational discord that resulted from his actions. No matter the circumstances, tension with God can be resolved by yielding our desires and seeking His viewpoint, not being heady and obstinate or being rebellious to God’s directions, holiness and the church of God.
Trust. 2Cor. 5:11, 14-15 Intimacy grows only in an atmosphere of trust. As we understand God’s character better, Your God’s giving church leaderships, etc. our confidence grows, and we are drawn closer to Him. Our part is to show ourselves trustworthy.
Risk Taking. John 15:18-25 The more we reveal who we are in Christ to those around us, the more we risk facing arguments, experiencing rejection, or being misunderstood. But God understands us fully and promises that we belong to Him forever (John 10:27-29).
Agreement. For us to maintain a close affinity with God, our schedule and plans must reflect that He is a priority. We are to be available for His use and open to His direction. And be ready to stand and give accounts of your fate and standing in Him always at any time.
God designed us for intimacy with Him. All that He requires is our presence and cooperation. What priority have you placed on building a deeper relationship with Him? The way your patterns of your life response to this shows your strength and abilities or how far you will be able to journey with HIM.
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